Types of Evaluations

Understand the six types of evaluations we offer and how each can help. Each evaluation serves a different purpose.

Six Types of Evaluations

  • Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluation

    This evaluation provides an overall picture of a child’s neurocognitive functioning, and gives recommendations to help the youth be most successful.

  • Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)

    These evaluations are funded by public school districts who have approved us as a provider. Scheduling is done with the family.

  • Autism Diagnostic Evaluation

    This targeted evaluation is designed to determine whether or not a youth has autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

  • ADHD Diagnostic Evaluation

    This targeted evaluation is designed to determine whether or not a youth has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

  • Intellectual Disability Diagnostic Evaluation

    This targeted evaluation is designed to determine whether or not a youth has an intellectual disability (ID).

  • School Admissions Testing

    This specific evaluation is designed to measure intellectual functioning for admissions into a private academic institution, or for another similar purpose.

Add-on Services*

  • Participation in a school IEP meeting (virtual or in-person)

  • School observation

  • Review of additional records (greater than 1" thick)

  • Any court / legal involvement (depositions, court attendance)

  • Travel outside of our immediate geographic region

Questions? Not sure which is the right one for you?