Diagnosis Navigation

Helping you, your child, and your family gain further insight into what is happening….

So you (or your child) received a diagnosis, a significant event that comes with helpful recommendations. Now, the crucial question is, what's next?

Maybe you have even implemented the recommendations….

Now, maybe you wonder, how do I talk to my child about their diagnosis and what it means?

Or, how do I talk to my child’s siblings about the diagnosis?

We are here to help! We will review the evaluation, have a call with you, and then, in one or two sessions, meet with you, your child, and/or your child’s siblings to navigate the diagnosis … let’s bring understanding to your child’s wonderful and unique brain!

Starting Mid-January ….

  • Further navigation after working with Brain & Behavior Neuropsychology

    • There will be a 15-minute phone call to develop a plan and goals for the navigation session (how we can best help) and a review of the evaluation.

    • The first session will be $250 and will last roughly an hour. This session will involve meeting with the family (usually siblings) to explain the diagnosis and navigate any impacts on the family (both things that are working well and challenges that might have arisen).

    • If a second session is needed, the fee will be $200. There will again be a phone call with the parents first to discuss how the session will be used/develop goals for the session.

  • Navigation after an evaluation that occurred outside of Brain & Behavior Neuropsychology

    • There will be a 15-minute phone call to develop a plan and goals for the navigation session (how we can best help) and a review of the evaluation by the outside agency/clinician.

    • The first session will be $300 and will last roughly an hour. This session may involve meeting the child who received the diagnosis to explain the diagnosis to them, talk about strengths/weaknesses found during the evaluation, and discuss a plan to move forward. This plan will be based upon the recommendations developed in the evaluation but may also incorporate some goals shared by the child during the navigation session. Alternatively, the session might be used to explain the child’s diagnosis to their siblings and explore the impacts on the family similarly to what was described above.

    • If a second session is needed, the fee will be $200. There will again be a phone call with the parents first to discuss how the session will be used/develop goals for the session.

    • Please know that this will not be a new evaluation, and you will not be provided with a new plan/new set of recommendations. Additional recommendations may be generated during the navigation session.

Although your insurance will not be billed, we will provide a superbill that you can submit to your insurance. (You will need a diagnosis to submit a claim.) The superbill will have a code for either individual therapy or family therapy.

It is important to know that this is NOT a more traditional psychotherapy relationship and should not be used in place of psychotherapy if that is needed.