504 plans vs. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)

When your child is having difficulties in school, you may know they need supports or accommodations, but may be confused about what to do.

I am happy to talk with you further about your individual child and provide some options as to how to move forward (just schedule a consultation).

In the meantime, I also wanted to provide families with a resource comparing two common pathways to gaining accommodations or supports. The attached pdf explains the similarities and differences between 504 plans and IEPs.

In addition, here are some resources from the website understood.org:

Dr. Liz Angoff also developed a page, “How to Get Support at School” that includes an email template for requesting a school meeting, resources to understand different levels of support, and a handout to help you prepare for the meeting. - https://explainingbrains.com/school-support/?fbclid=IwAR2p4sssTCTO3gJRKueNRV-8PESe75vR7fKHj9fR4qgpHkOHgbQC5_DOLMQ


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