Gain a better understanding of your child’s unique brain.
Neuropsychological evaluations and consultation for children in Delaware & surrounding states.
Types of Evaluations Offered
Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluation
Designed to provide an overall picture of a child’s neurocognitive functioning.
ADHD Diagnostic Evaluation
Designed to determine whether or not a youth has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Autism Diagnostic Evaluation
Designed to determine whether or not a youth has autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Independent Educational Evaluation
Designed to evaluate a youth’s intellectual and academic functioning.
Intellectual Disability Diagnostic Evaluation
Designed to determine whether or not a youth has an intellectual disability (ID).
School Admissions Testing
Designed to measure intellectual functioning for admissions into private academic institutions.
Evaluations are by appointment.
Testing occurs in-person. Parent interviews and feedbacks can be done in-person or virtually